Evolution Of Type: Graphic Guide To 100 Landmark

The Evolution of Type examines 100 landmark typefaces from the history of font design, from the type used by Johannes Gutenberg to produce his 42-Line Bible, to the latest digital typefaces. It reveals the meaning behind typographic characters and shows how the use of type has changed over time.

A full spread is devoted to each typeface and its origins. Concise text describes the design history and usage of the face, and its long-term impact on the development of typefaces. Annotated enlargements show the new features that the typeface introduced and highlight its most important design characteristics.

The book is organized in six chapters: 1455-1700 The start of it all: The first typefaces are designed in Germany, Italy, France and the Netherlands 1700-1890 The emergence of literacy: The popular desire for reading material drives invention 1890-1920 The first technological age: Type foundries become big business and mass production becomes reality 1920-1960 Type meets art: Typographic originality and creative culture embrace on an industrial scale 1960-1990 Type become cool: Type influences international style 1990-today The second technological age: Typesetting for the masses.

The Evolution of Type has practical applications in many fields of graphic design. General readers will enjoy learning about something that they encounter every day. They will gain an appreciation for the unique characteristics of a word beyond its dictionary definition.

Product Overview
ISBN 9781770855045
Categories Architecture and Design, Graphic Design, Non-Fiction, Non-Fiction: Lifestyle, Picasso in Me
Author(s) Seddon, Tony
Weight 1.09 kg