Created by Jim Davis, "The Garfield" comic strip appears in 2,570 journals worldwide and is read by some 263 million people around the globe, making it...the world's most widely syndicated comic strip in history, as recorded by Guinness World Records. Each of these two titles contains over 120 daily strips.Created by Jim Davis, "The Garfield" comic strip now appears in 2,570 journals worldwide and is read by some 263 million people around the globe, making it...the world's most widely syndicated comic strip in history, as recorded by Guinness World Records. Here are the latest two new titles in this bestselling series, which now boasts sales of almost 7 million copies. Each title contains over 120 daily strips...not yet seen in book format.
ISBN | 9781841612430 |
Categories | Humour, Newest Arrivals, Non-Fiction, Non-Fiction: Lifestyle |
Author(s) | Jim Davis |
Publisher | Ravette Publishing Ltd |
Weight | 0.08 kg |