
Moral Tension: God And Our Decisions

28 copies left

Throughout the course of a life time, people are constantly faced with decisions that must be made. Most remember the major decisions regarding work and relationships, but there are so many more small decisions made throughout the day, that in the end, could have a major impact on life. So on what basis, particularly if you are a Christian, does a person make decisions? The application of Christian ethics is becoming increasingly problematic. Traditional approaches based on the idea of obedience and agreed upon moral standards have lost resonance with the modern world. In this book, Harries sets out a different approach which recognizes the tension of living between the times and sees decision-making as a way of making a response to the goodness of God rather than making us righteous. He examines the drivers of human life: sex, money, power and fame and their expression in both individual discipleship and public policy.

Product Overview
ISBN 9781601480118
Categories Highlight, Holy, Non-Fiction, Non-Fiction: Humanities, Spirituality and Religion, Top Reviews
Author(s) Harries, Richard
Publisher Xyzzy Press
Weight 0.26 kg